Who Are Involved In The Dialogue 1

Who Are Involved In The Dialogue 1

Who Are Involved In The Dialogue 1

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In pairs, observe the dialogue below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Mr Andi: Good morning Ms Hana, and welcome to our school.
Ms Hana: Thank you, Mr Andi.
Mr Andi: I must tell you about your duties in our school library.
Ms Hana: Oh yes, of course. I want to start working as soon as possible.
Mr Andi: Well, first you must serve teachers and students who come to the library, but you mustn’t let them speak loudly in the library.
Ms Hana: OK. I understand.
Mr Andi: You must be friendly to everybody but you mustn’t chat with the other employees in the library. You must work very hard, Ms Hana.
Ms Hana: Of course, Mr Andi.
Mr Andi: And you must keep books and electronic media in this library in good condition.
Ms Hana: All right, Mr Andi. Everything is perfectly clear.
Who are involved in the dialogue?


jawaban yang benar adalah “Mr. Andi and Ms. Hana are involved in the dialogue.”


Dialog di atas merupakan dialog antara Tuan Andi dan Nona Hana tentang hal-hal yang harus dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Nona Hana sebagai bagian dari tugasnya di perpustakaan sekolah.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah “Mr. Andi and Ms. Hana are involved in the dialogue.”

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Who Are Involved In The Dialogue 1
Who Are Involved In The Dialogue 1


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